Python for Beginners | Chapter 8 | Conditions Explained
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Course Outline for Python Beginner course
Before learning a course, knowing the course outline will prepare you with high level concepts that you are going to learn. In this post, you are going to see the key chapter outlines you will find in many Python beginner courses. These may not be exact chapter names and also some courses may have some additions or omissions on these. But this should give you fairly a good idea on what you'll be learning.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Python
- What is Python?
- Why use Python?
- How to install and set up Python
- Basic syntax and data types
Chapter 2: Variables and Data Types
- Understanding variables
- Basic data types (numbers, strings, lists, etc.)
- Typecasting
- Basic math operations
Chapter 3: Control Flow
- If-else statements
- For and while loops
- Break and continue statements
Chapter 4: Functions
- Defining and calling functions
- Parameters and arguments
- Return statement
- Scope of variables
Chapter 5: Modules and Packages
- Importing modules
- Creating and using packages
- Standard library modules
Chapter 6: File I/O
- Opening and reading files
- Writing to files
- Working with CSV and JSON files
Chapter 7: Exception Handling
- Understanding exceptions
- Try-except-else-finally block
- Raising exceptions
Chapter 8: Object-Oriented Programming
- Classes and objects
- Constructors and destructors
- Inheritance and polymorphism
Chapter 9: Advanced Topics
- Decorators
- Generators
- Lambda functions
- List comprehensions
Chapter 10: Project Development
- Planning and organizing a project
- Debugging and testing
- Deployment and distribution
Note: The above course is a brief introduction to Python language and its features. The chapters are designed to give an overview of the concepts and not a deep dive. The actual course would be much more detailed and would include examples and exercises for each chapter, and it would be run for a longer time for the students to practice and master the concepts.
Python for Beginners | Chapter 8 | Conditions Explained
In this chapter we will learn how condition statements work in python. If you are new in here, you may want to start from the beginning...
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