
Python for Beginners - Learn Python Now Without IDE

Python Tutorial for beginners encourages you to learn by doing. Follow along this Python course to get started. This is Part 1 of the python full course for beginners which just gets you started by showing how to install python on your machine and write your very first program. Subsequent parts will follow shortly. I have chosen not to use any python specific IDE (Integrated Development Environment) in this course. IDEs tend to do lots of autocomplete which hinders learning. As you get familiar with python basics, programming concepts and get comfortable writing python programs without an IDE, you will find IDEs more productive later. As a python beginner, start from the scratch. I value all feedbacks. If you liked this method of teaching or have any constructive criticism, please share that in the comments. Please subscribe to be notified of the next part of the course.

 Welcome to the Beginner Series in learning Python. Learning Python will be one of the best decisions you have ever made. Python is a very powerful, yet simple to use programming language. You can create solutions to very complex problems with very few lines of code. Also the syntax of python is very readable and it is easier to maintain. Many top companies use Python because it improves their productivity. It is also a very portable language, meaning you can deploy it easily in multiple platforms like Windows, Linux, Mac or any of the mobile devices. For all these reasons, python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. Without further ado, let's get started. The first step to learning python is to have a python environment where you can write and execute your python code. This environment can be in your laptop or your computer or it can be online. I recommend you setting it up on your machine first where you can write and execute your code. 

Below is my free course on python. Enjoy!


Installing Raspberry Pi from Canakit

 Raspberry Pi is a wonderful mini computer that consumes less power and can be a very powerful machine for a variety of projects like running your own vpn server or running a web server, media server or game server. Raspberry Pi has become more and more powerful over the years. It is extremely tiny making it very portable. We will see how to setup a Raspberry Pi device. I bought mine from Canakit. 

After burning my first Pi after heavily loading it with accessories, I decided to be a bit careful on my 2nd device. On my first Pi, I had only bought the board and I used my own power cord. This time I bought all the necessary accessaries from Canakit, including pre-installed Raspian OS, a case, heat sink, a fan and a power cord. 

Mine is a 8 GB Ram and I got a 128 GB sd card which comes with pre-installed Raspian OS. It was very easy to install the Raspberry pi board on to the case. Also installing the fans, heat sinks and connecting with the power cord was super easy. 

Below is a video demonstrating the setup. 

Python for Beginners | Chapter 8 | Conditions Explained

In this chapter we will learn how condition statements work in python.  If you are new in here, you may want to start from the beginning...