
Game design: Prototype of my version of Pin ball game

Went through some tutorials for game development in blender.
Working on developing a simple Pin ball game.

Kaushik gets the chance to play the prototype of my new game - Pin Ball.

The secret for success

The secret for success is choosing your opponent.
A game of Table Tennis with my nephews Gautham and Kaushik. I should say the game was not bad at all!!

Character Modeling - Full character

Thanks to Jonathan in Blender Cookie for the wonderful tutorials. Here I'm starting my full female character modeling.
Status -1

Experiments on Depth of Focus - Blender 3D

Just like in photography or cinematography, a snap or shot looks great if the focus is on the object of interest and when the objects out of focus look slightly blurred.
Same holds with in animation. To have a visually pleasing graphic shot
1. Build objects at different distances from the camera (I've built apples - one close to the camera and the remaining 2 away from the camera)

2. Set the focus of the camera to one of the object (in this case, the focus is on the nearest apple)

As you might see, even though the focus is on the first apple, the blurring of the apples in the back ground is not very evident. May be my camera settings isn't right. If you know how to fix this, let me know. Anyway, I had to do the blurring in the post processing using composite nodes in blender.

Python for Beginners | Chapter 8 | Conditions Explained

In this chapter we will learn how condition statements work in python.  If you are new in here, you may want to start from the beginning...